Tuesday, April 10, 2012

 Ms. Vasquez in your blog post America is to large and cumbersome to be effective! your argument that the country is too big for the democracy to be successful is not one I can accept. I see what your saying as fare as social programs are concerned but please remember that social security was borrowed from many times to fund tax cuts given by President Bush otherwise social security would still have decades before it needed to be looked into as a possible problem. The country being big is from my perspective a very good thing as long as it is productive, remember the saying "many hands make light work"? That is what I see for our country, a society where everyone that is able bodied is doing his share and the ones that can't are taken care of very well. What we need is a more successful society not a smaller one. We need well educated Americans that have good jobs that can pay taxes, the more people the more tax revenue. With a society that is large we should be more successful as a country.

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