I would like to say a few words about the Buffet Rule or
the” Paying a fair share act of 2012”. This bill is described by a White House
statement as an assurance that everyone making over a million dollars per year
pay a minimum effective tax rate of 30%. To me this seems like a no brainer. How can we
discriminate against the lower income households of America by asking them to
pay more percentage wise than the wealthiest Americans pay? And how can Paul Ryan,
Chairman of the House Budget Committee, even dare call this Bill “Class warfare”?
I understand that the conservatives like to say these
wealthiest Americans are the ones creating jobs and that the tax increase would
not make a dent in the national budget or that this rule might discourage
investing. First of all I don’t care about how many jobs these wealthy
Americans create. Does that mean they should have special treatment? They are
already wealthy either way, why do they feel they need to be given tax breaks?
I don’t think they are going to go under financially if they have to start
paying what others pay. Also the investment issue is not a compelling argument in
my opinion for the simplest of reasons; that income is income and it should not
be looked at differently because it came from investments rather than the sweat
of your brow. Fair is fair and there is no political talk that could convince
me otherwise. Second is the national debt; the argument that the increase
wouldn’t touch the national debt does not make me have a second thought about
the bill whatsoever. In my opinion this increase could help keep some of the
social programs afloat that are in danger of running out of money and even if
it couldn’t I would still want this Bill passed as a matter of principal.
According to the
United States Congress Joint Committee on Taxation this bill would raise 46.7
billion over the next ten years which is one of the most conservative
estimates, a group called Citizens for Tax Justice (a liberal think tank) estimated
that this bill would raise 50 billion per year and there are estimates every
place in between these two numbers. Either way it is true that this is nothing
compared to our national debt but this sum of money could help ease the stress
on the national budget.
A recent Gallup poll found that 60% of Americans favor the Buffet
rule and a CNN poll found that 72% of Americans favor this rule. Looks like I
won’t be the only disappointed American over the non passing of this Bill.
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