Ms. Thompson I love what you had to say on the topic of Student Loan Debt and agree for the most part but would like to add to the discussion. As we know all too well school is expensive. Most of us are going to community college because it offers us a chance at an education that we may never had been able to get if we had to go to University. The option of discounted college is one of the greatest things anyone could ever dream of. I consider myself extremely privileged to be getting a degree in nursing considering where I am in life, a single Mom of two small children with absolutely no money. I have not had to pay one dime in tuition or books because of federal Pell grants as well as ACC student grants.
My point here is that I believe we are lucky to be in a country that offers so much as far as opportunity for higher education. I believe the government is doing their part and our part is to sacrifice along the way. I see so many young people getting into debt for "college" when in actuality they are living in nice apartments with all the modern conveniences and beautiful furnishings. The money they are spending on "living expenses" could be drastically cut by living with parents or even lowering their living standards.
I have had to live in an extremely low living standards for the past two years while in school so I could afford the loss in work pay. I have not had many things that are a part of normal peoples everyday lives because I am totally committed to sacrifice for the next couple of years in order to stay out of debt and get my degree.
I feel that the government is doing enough as far as loans and grants. In all reality we cannot have everything all at once. If students would consider the debt they are getting into as strictly for school and sacrifice enormously on other luxuries such as their own apartment, cable, smart phones, going out, new clothes then the amount of debt required would be drastically decreased or eliminated.
I say all this with one disclaimer, I am fully aware that the poor have an easier time because of Pell grants and such. If you are someone that wishes to go to school and makes descent money you are at a disadvantage when it come to grants. I still feel a lower living standard would greatly decrease the national student debt.
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